Gustavo Martínez

internet's most boring site

Notes on Psychological and Spiritual Well-Being


The following is a collection of notes i've taken during the years from various sources including my own experience in order to mantain a healthy spiritual and mental health in this corrupted *modern* society.

So here you go some tips to help you escape the Matrix a.k.a "The System"

Section 1: Don't consoom Product

Avoid being influenced by advertisements by any means. Most ads are designed in a way to trick your brain into acting compulsively. And the worst is that they work in an subconsciously manner. You won't even realise and you may have wasted a lot of money in non-sense crap that you don't really *NEED*. You don't need cuckflix subscriptions (i don't even know what the others are called, hbo, paramount, who cares, etc...), soybucks coffee, the latest iThing or whatever is the trendy thing normies are consooming these days. Instead invest in anything that makes you more *independent* from the system, invest in your own land, utensils to make your own food, tools to build your own creations, pretty much everything that helps the DIY approach. Try to live a minimal lifestyle only owning what you need. "If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe"_ Carl Sagan

Section 2: Learn to be BORED.

Ever noticed how the modern man can't stand the idea of being *bored*? if a few moments have passed without the individual feeling stimulated, he would complain he is BORED lmao. You can notice this easily because you can observe that people have developed a reflex that as soon as they feel "bored" they will take out their phone and scroll whatever the zucc, elon dusk, snapcrap and all of these giant skinner boxes are feeding them for their profit and exploitation.

Learn to be Bored, when you are bored is when your best ideas will come to mind, why is that tho? It is because when you are bored you allow yourself to *think* for once... When you stop the noise, when you turn off the TV, when you stop the music constantly blasting in your ears..., when you uninstall that videogame, that's when you finally can think and CREATE. Learn something new everyday, set up goals, and don't let yourself be distracted, something that has helped me with avoid being distracted is separating spaces. Fun space-> Eg. My bed where i let myself have some leisure time. Desk-> Dedicated place for work/creativity only. Somehow that has tricked my mind into respecting such declared spaces and use them accordingly.

Section 3: Love is Mental Illness

Passionate love relies on the idea of possessing another human being, it is selfish, egotistical, and it will make you act erraticaly. When you are in love, intense neural stimuli are activated in your brain, leading to significant neural activity that can overwhelm cognitive processing. That is... it will fry your brain. That's the root problem of hookup culture, a bunch of love junkies hooping from person to person to get the next *high* of their new "love" as soon as their drug disappears. Not to mention failure in love relationships will lead to severe depression which will also harm your brain. Do you want to be a simp-soy-lover like Romeo and kill yourself for irrational motives? Heck No. Don't fall in love.

Disclaimer: Of course it is necessary to go through this mental illness phase if you wanna get married have children and so on... but try to ascend into the next pure *love* of commitment and purity as soon as possible

Section 4: Being Free

What does it mean to be free?

Being free doesn't mean living a careless hedonistic life.

Don't fall for the trap of instant gratifications, that will ruin your brain reward responses. Instead work towards your goals, and just then get your gratification.

When you are not enslaved by vices is when you are actually free. Vices like gluttony, sexual paraphilias,greed,etc will be your masters. Normies will say "oh but that's not fun, you are just a hater that doesn't want me to have fun". It doesn't mean you will stop enjoying life, but instead you will enjoy life as a *free* person.

Being free means making decisions on what is best to do, by not being a *slave* to your impulses

Section 5: Conclusion

Take the initiative, make, create, produce.

Less is More